What we sell
We are more than “just a teacher store” as the saying goes. We want to provide for teachers by providing educational resources and supplies for classrooms from infant to upper grades. In addition, we want to support learners of all levels. Being a parent of two children with special needs, there is a demand of being able to go to a store and find games, toys, puzzles, learning techniques, resources, etc. which will work at varied levels based on the individual child. We will also have an early childhood and religious section to reach the preschools, daycares, and churches. Our store is open to the public, and you do not have to be a teacher to shop with us!
How we came about
After being teachers in the local community for more than thirty years combined, my mom and I realized there was a huge need. Our local teacher store was no longer in business, and there wasn’t a place to buy teaching supplies and resources within a close radius. I wanted to have a more flexible work schedule to coordinate with my family schedule and spend more time with my kids. We made the decision in the fall of 2016 to open our own retail store. After many prayers and well wishes from family and friends, we found a popular location, a hard working construction crew, and began to contact vendors. After months of preparations and support from our husbands, we opened our store in the spring of 2017! We thank the local community and all of the customers for making this dream become a reality.
About our team
It is just that…a team! It is more than a group of employees who go to work each day, but we are a team working to support those around us. Our goal is to make learning fun, and we can provide many opportunities to show you how that can be done! Many of our employees are former teachers, so we have lived on the front lines to understand what your needs may include. All of our team members bring their unique personality to the playing field and help to create a warm and welcoming environment.